T2 IRC Log: 2007-06-13

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--- Log opened Wed Jun 13 00:00:14 2007
00:07 -!- pdinoto_ [n=pdinoto@] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
01:39 -!- bf1 [n=blacky@203-206-57-245.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)]
01:58 -!- bf1 [n=blacky@203-206-57-245.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #t2
02:01 -!- mtr_ [n=Michael@pD9E13244.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #t2
02:18 -!- mtr [n=Michael@pD9E1232D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
02:18 -!- mtr_ is now known as mtr
03:10 -!- bf1 [n=blacky@203-206-57-245.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)]
03:31 -!- bfg [n=blacky@203-206-57-245.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #t2
03:50 -!- bfg [n=blacky@203-206-57-245.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)]
04:06 -!- bfg [n=blacky@203-206-57-245.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #t2
07:07 -!- misl [n=chatzill@84-104-172-187.cable.quicknet.nl] has joined #t2
07:59 -!- bfg [n=blacky@203-206-57-245.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
08:54 -!- tri [n=Richter@pd95b2df8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #t2
08:56 < tri> re
09:02 -!- misl [n=chatzill@84-104-172-187.cable.quicknet.nl] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
09:22 < sepp> moin :)
09:26 < mtr> moin sepp :)
09:27 < tri> hi sepp mtr
09:27 < mtr> hi tri
09:28 < tri> who are the flist files created ?
09:28 < mtr> mysql@trunk fails now, strange auto* error
09:28 < tri> s/who/how/
09:29 < mtr> conftest.cc:31: error: 'exit' was not declared in this scope
09:30 < mtr> sepp: did you recently rebuild mysql?
09:30 < sepp> hi mtr, tri :)
09:30 < sepp> no
09:32 < sepp> but i saw that in some other config.log
09:32 < sepp> after the gcc 4.2 update
09:33 < mtr> configure adds "extern "C" void std::exit (int) throw (); using std::exit;" to confdefs, and this fails in several other test
09:33 < mtr> *tests
09:34 < mtr> tri: the flists are tracked by a preloaded shared library which hooks several system calls like open(), read() and so on
09:35 -!- misl [n=chatzill@84-104-172-187.cable.quicknet.nl] has joined #t2
09:57 < mtr> oh well, rebuild configure script with autoconf and the failing test is gone ...
09:58 < mtr> the old one shipped with mysql had some strange AC_PROG_CXX macros :(
10:04 -!- bfg [n=blacky@203-206-57-245.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #t2
10:04 -!- write_erase [n=olivier@] has joined #t2
10:27 -!- misl [n=chatzill@84-104-172-187.cable.quicknet.nl] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
10:38 -!- Stelz [i=stelz@unaffiliated/stelz] has quit ["There is intelligent life out there..."]
10:50 -!- Stelz [i=stelz@unaffiliated/stelz] has joined #t2
11:24 -!- tri [n=Richter@pd95b2df8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #t2 []
12:28 -!- misl [n=chatzill@84-104-172-187.cable.quicknet.nl] has joined #t2
12:30 -!- andr011 [n=root@] has joined #t2
12:31 < andr011> Hi all
12:34 < andr011> mtr: did the package selection for embedded targets changed?
12:43 < andr011> unionfs compiles! i've changed nothing in the config! mtr - you're a magician!
12:44 < mtr> hey andr011 :)
12:46 < mtr> no, package selection did not change, yet
12:47 < andr011> but unionfs started compiling sudenly...
12:47 < andr011> weird
12:48 < andr011> doh... strongswan fails now... anyone knows what depends on strongswan?
12:48 < mtr> you must have changed the selection, at least you added e2fsprogs
12:49 < andr011> yeah, that i did...
12:50 < andr011> fl_wrapper.so: write outside basedir
12:51 < andr011> strongswan needs some path adjusting... it tries to write to my host OS /etc dir! that bastard! :)
12:51 < andr011> !> fl_wrapper.so: write outside basedir (/root/t2-7.0rc): /etc/opt/strongswan/ipsec.conf
12:51 -!- bfg [n=blacky@203-206-57-245.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)]
13:00 < mtr> yep strongswan is not (yet) cross-compile-aware and installs into / instead of $root/
13:01 < andr011> is this something that a simple mortal like me can fix?
13:23 < rxr> re
13:28 < andr011> OMG!!!!! YYYYYYYEEEHAAAA!! it compiled!!!!
13:28 < andr011> all of it!
13:29 < andr011> i have a target!
13:29 * andr011 opens a bottle of champagne!
13:29 < write_erase> hi rxr
13:29 < write_erase> you're back ?
13:29 < andr011> well except for psmisc & strongswan
13:29 < andr011> hi rxr
13:31 < rxr> yes back in .de / Berlin
13:31 < rxr> just landed about an hour ago
13:31 < rxr> so first office desk sorting pass going on right now
13:32 < mtr> wb rxr :)
13:35 < rxr> hi mtr
13:41 [Users #t2]
13:41 [@ChanServ ] [ CIA-9] [ misl ] [ rxr ] [ TobiX ]
13:41 [ andr011 ] [ emte ] [ mtr ] [ sepp ] [ valentin ]
13:41 [ cbrake_away] [ LMJ ] [ Ragnarin] [ Stelz] [ write_erase]
13:41 -!- Irssi: #t2: Total of 15 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 14 normal]
13:48 < rxr> lol: Apple widerspricht Sun: Nur ein bisschen ZFS in Leopard
13:48 < rxr> ZFS wird in Leopard vorhanden sein - jedoch nicht als voreingestelltes Dateisystem, sondern nur manuell zu aktivieren. Daten auf ZFS-Platten können außerdem nur gelesen, nicht geschrieben werden. mehr...
13:49 < rxr> .oO iPhone-Nutzer benötigen iTunes-Store-Account
13:49 < rxr> Um bei ihrem Smartphone ein "Setup" vornehmen zu können, müssen sich iPhone-Nutzer einen Account zulegen, wenn sie noch keinen haben.
13:52 < CIA-9> rene * r24457 /trunk/package/graphic/dcraw/dcraw.desc: * updated dcraw (8.73 -> 8.74)
13:54 -!- tri [n=Richter@pd95b2df8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #t2
13:55 < tri> moin
13:55 < andr011> mtr, i can't seem to find isofs.txt file... can't make an ISO... can you please advise?
13:57 < rxr> you use embedded ?
13:57 < mtr> the embedded target build a squashfs image, not ISO
13:58 < andr011> so i just DD it onto the HDD and that's it?
13:58 < andr011> *dd
14:02 < CIA-9> rene * r24458 /trunk/package/x11/rox-filer/rox-filer.desc: * updated rox-filer (2.6 -> 2.6.1)
14:02 < CIA-9> rene * r24459 /trunk/package/multimedia/xine-lib/xine-lib.desc: * updated xine-lib (1.1.6 -> 1.1.7)
14:03 < tri> hi rene - who are you ?
14:03 < mtr> better use rsync from a bootable cd, installing the build// folder, setup the boot loader, and set the root pw after installation,
14:04 < tri> s/who/how :-)
14:04 < mtr> bbl, sorrx
14:04 < rxr> tri: could use some sleep, otherwise fine, thanks
14:04 < rxr> will sort the best photos from .tw soon and copy them to my blog
14:07 < tri> is there still work going on with the t2 website ?
14:07 < rxr> sure, do you want to contribute ?
14:07 < tri> yes maybe - is it planed to integrad the wiki a bit more ?
14:08 < rxr> the plan is to definetly have the homepage online editable in the future
14:08 < rxr> though it's not sure which CMS to use
14:08 < tri> ah ok
14:08 < rxr> you can propose something or do some example setup of what you think would be good
14:08 < rxr> or do graphical artwork work
14:09 < rxr> do you have some pointer how the current wiki could be better integrated?
14:09 < rxr> list it in documentation ?
14:09 < tri> yes maybe more documentation
14:10 < tri> but i think for the handbook it is better if it is not integrated ?
14:10 < tri> and why are there two "faq"
14:10 < tri> one on the homepage and one in the wiki ?
14:10 < rxr> there are two faw ?
14:10 < rxr> ah ok
14:11 < rxr> yes, the trac was created later and in the beginning was just for testing
14:11 < rxr> that should definetly be cleaned up
14:12 < tri> i think if the wiki is more integrated it whould be mure used ?
14:13 < rxr> if we link singular nodes from the homepage to the wiki the homepage look and feel would get a bit inconsistent
14:14 < tri> yes sure that is a problem
14:14 < rxr> maybe better do the homepage right now
14:15 -!- tr1 [n=Richter@pd95b2df8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #t2
14:15 -!- tri [n=Richter@pd95b2df8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
14:15 < tr1> re
14:16 < tr1> maybe http://www.opensourcecms.com/ can help to choose the right cms
14:28 < CIA-9> rene * r24460 /trunk/package/x86/yasm/yasm.desc: * updated yasm (0.6.0 -> 0.6.1)
14:29 -!- pdinoto [n=pdinoto@] has joined #t2
14:29 < tr1> crux have a website which is fully wiki integrated: http://crux.nu/
14:32 < tr1> hm
14:33 < tr1> the silc-toolkit package conflicts with the libdin package
14:34 < pdinoto> wow!
14:34 < tr1> it is the file /usr/include/stringprep.h - if i do a diff on these files they are the same
14:35 < pdinoto> I finally finished builing a embedded 7.0 target!
14:35 < andr011> me too
14:35 < andr011> not-cross compile, though
14:35 < rxr> tr1: yes, I saw this conflict in the reference build
14:35 < pdinoto> (needed to deselect busybox, which conflicted with ~10 packages)
14:35 < rxr> tr1: this needs fixing
14:35 < tr1> how can change the conf file to not install the stringprep.h file from the silc-toolkit build ?
14:35 < tr1> i like to fix this
14:36 < tr1> but i don't have a idea how to do that :-)
14:36 < tr1> ok i need a *.conf file for the silc-tookit
14:36 < tr1> and some "hook ..." ?
14:36 < tr1> is there a package where this is allready done so i can have a look ?
14:37 < pdinoto> yep. could not test it yet... under qemu kernel boots but, loads the squashfs filesystem
14:37 < pdinoto> and panics: I have to check if there is a /init somewhere.
14:39 < tr1> hm is there any linux distribution with a nice homepage - arch, gentoo, debian - they all don't look really good ?
14:39 < rxr> tr1: ack
14:39 < rxr> tr1: I know the T2 page is minimal
14:40 < rxr> it was just a continous cleanup of the ad-hoc page years ago
14:40 < rxr> the next homepage design must be outstanding
14:40 < andr011> ubuntu has a nice homepage
14:40 < rxr> like apple.com or joost.com or what they are named
14:42 -!- andr011 is now known as andr01d
14:43 < tr1> hm the joost homepage is nice :-)
14:44 < rxr> tr1: ack
14:44 < tr1> i like to use django :-) (example: http://www.sitepoint.com/article/build-to-do-list-30-minutes)
14:45 < tr1> maybe i can fetch some time and try some things - artwork and "webwork"
14:46 -!- misl [n=chatzill@84-104-172-187.cable.quicknet.nl] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
14:48 < tr1> hm to the silc-toolkit problem again - who to solve such thinks like shard files
14:49 < tr1> there is also a problem with the libcap and the man-pages package
14:49 < tr1> they share capget.2 and capset.2
14:50 < rxr> tr1: if the packages are intended to be installed in parallel they must have unique naming
14:50 < rxr> this silc-toolkit should be patched to use another name
14:50 < rxr> I think the newer beta version of the package already does not install this header anymore
14:51 < rxr> but the new beta does not work with the only package that utilizes this silc-toolkit thing, so this is why in T2 the silc-toolkit was downdated to the stable version which introduced this conflict
14:52 < tr1> pidgin can't use the beta version ?
14:58 < rxr> no i had a compile error
15:02 < tr1> (14:56:35) tr1: can pidgin use the new silc-toolkit 1.1 ?
15:02 < tr1> (14:57:41) Coweater: tr1: should in 2.0.2
15:06 < rxr> ah
15:08 < tr1> but building the silc-toolkit 1.1 give the same error message
15:08 < tr1> shared files stringprep.h
15:08 < tr1> but the stringprep which is in the silctoolkit package is the same like the one in the libidn
15:09 < rxr> is there a pidgin 2.0.2 already?
15:09 < tr1> (15:01:07) Err: tr1: there are patches in the devel@ archives that enable 1.1 support, but they've not been integrated as yet
15:09 < tr1> (15:03:56) datallah: Err: actually they have been committed
15:10 < tr1> no there isn't a 2.0.2 out already
15:11 < tr1> hm the http://developer.pidgin.im/ site is a nice example how to integrad the trac nicely :-)
15:21 < rxr> :-)
15:24 -!- cbrake_away is now known as cbrake
15:26 < tr1> hm
15:26 < tr1> i still have no idea how to patch the silc-toolkit to not install the stringprep header file
15:28 < rxr> rename the file and rename internal references
15:28 < rxr> if it is just the libidn stuff built-in, maybe there even is an option to disable the use of the internal one ?
15:29 < tr1> hm ok i will look for that option...
15:31 < tr1> hm no ./configure --help or INSTALL file say anythink about such a option
15:31 < rxr> http://rene.rebe.name/photos/?p=/Computex/2007/img_2050.jpg
15:31 < tr1> :-)
15:32 < rxr> I even have an better one
15:32 < rxr> (one moment)
15:33 < rxr> hm - my blog is so slow right now
15:34 < rxr> guess too many people click thru it now and all the cache files are rendered for the first time ...
15:34 < rxr> http://rene.rebe.name/photos/?p=/Computex/2007/img_2267.jpg
15:34 < rxr> ^- that's amazing
15:34 < rxr> and yes, I should hack up the already 50% modified image gallery plugin to support tags and comments ...
15:35 < andr01d> indeed is :) if you look long enough - you can notice them holding apple TV box ;)
15:35 < tr1> what is blablatv - a p0rn channel ?
15:36 < rxr> andr01d: they are holding the appletv and the other is holding the shameless near 1:1 copy ... !!!
15:36 < rxr> damn - konqueror sftp crippled at least two images files
15:37 < rxr> damna
15:37 < rxr> and I already moved them from off the camery
15:37 < rxr> camery
15:37 < rxr> damn crap *OI!"§$K!ÖL"K§J!
15:38 < andr01d> :-D it's like "adidda" & "pummar" shoes :)
15:38 < andr01d> omg...
15:38 < andr01d> there are appz that recover from formatted CFs
15:38 < andr01d> unless you took more photos after formatting...
15:38 < rxr> no, just FAT delete (but under linux)
15:41 < andr01d> i don't know of any such software for linux, but for windows there are lots of...
15:42 < rxr> http://rene.rebe.name/photos/?p=/Computex/2007/&index=45
15:42 < rxr> ^- openmoko
15:43 < andr01d> yesss! moko clusters! :)
15:47 < tr1> aloril: tr1: can I link to http://rene.rebe.name/photos/?p=/Computex/2007/img_2208.jpg from [[Buying_Interest_List]] page? ?
15:48 < andr01d> openmoko should be running T2
15:48 < rxr> should be
15:48 < rxr> we talked to them - we'll see what happens
15:49 < andr01d> that will give a good boost to T2 & will ensure that openmoko is fast
15:49 < rxr> yes, link to my blog in which way you want
15:49 < rxr> btw. right now openmoko is very slow
15:49 < rxr> bosts like 1:30 minutes and the gui is too slow to use
15:49 < rxr> I really wonder what kind of crap they did there ...
15:49 < andr01d> you're not the first one that I heard that from...
15:50 < andr01d> they must have based it on redhat or something
15:50 < rxr> they use OpenEmbedded
15:50 < tr1> openemebened
15:50 < andr01d> really?
15:50 < rxr> but that can ont be the reason it is that slow
15:50 < tr1> hm 2 sekundes...
15:51 < rxr> in any case the people that work on it have not a bit of clue how to do embedded linux
15:51 < andr01d> hmm... i was considering it as a t2 alternative
15:51 < rxr> that is probably why FIC appeared to be interested to get us, ExactCODE, involved in the project
15:51 < rxr> when we showed up on their booth
15:51 < rxr> but some days later they backed off, I have the feeling H. Welte did not wanted new people with clue getting involved
15:52 < andr01d> what's their architecture? ARM?
15:52 < rxr> yes ARM
15:52 < rxr> currently 300 MHz or so
15:52 < rxr> but they think about even upping that
15:52 < rxr> and adding a graphic accelerator
15:52 < rxr> but the nokia 800 is doing usable graphic without a acceleraor
15:52 < rxr> on the openmoko you can right now watch the menus draw
15:53 < rxr> it is like you tap something and 1.5 seconds later the menu entry is highlighted
15:53 < rxr> btw. if you have a good browser or can read HTML you can get the original 8MP images out of my blog
15:53 < rxr> but please link to them directly
15:53 < rxr> and not copy the images, thanks .-)
15:54 < tr1> hm there is some work going own two make evas runable on openmoko
15:55 < tr1> so you not sure if t2 or exactcode will be involved ?
15:56 < rxr> well - they are happy to have the base system running at all
15:56 < rxr> they more likely want to focus to get the GUI useable
15:56 < rxr> usable
15:56 < rxr> and some real applications coded
15:57 < rxr> so a change to T2 will probably be not an option right now
15:57 < rxr> I'll keep in touch with the FIC people who where very intersted, even if we (ExactCODE) just end up helping doing the UI phone software
15:57 < rxr> and do the later T2 base system just for our fun of it
15:58 < rxr> but to be honest I do not like the hardware platform and case design of the OpenMoko much
15:58 < tr1> hm yes h. welte was also saying that at the chaosradio - base system is running but gtk etc. work needs to be done
15:58 < rxr> we are also talking wit other cell-phone companies to do next-generation phone software based on Linux with them
15:59 < rxr> the way they handled OpenMoko so far is highly unprofessional
15:59 < rxr> all this embedded stuff on FB is long optimized to usability in the Nokia tablet
15:59 < rxr> they should have started with a 1:1 copy
15:59 < rxr> I have no idea how they got a that slow system out of openembedded
16:00 < rxr> we have mpeg2 and mpeg4 running in real-time on the 140MHz Atmel AVR32, just painting a low-end UI with Gtk on a 300 MHz ARM really is not that bleeding edge at all
16:02 < tr1> are the issues only software based or is the hardware design also not that good ?
16:02 < rxr> they did not tell
16:03 < rxr> maybe they had so many hardware problems that they are happy to have running something at all
16:03 < rxr> the boot also looked sysv with starting all kinds of desktop services
16:03 < rxr> totally unoptimized
16:03 < rxr> and X showed the usual blank X cursor and a black screen for several seconds (like 10s)
16:04 < tr1> here is the link: http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Buying_Interest_List
16:04 < rxr> I have no idea how they manage to get it that slow
16:04 < tr1> not a good pr if there presented this way in tw
16:05 < tr1> s/there/they
16:06 < rxr> well - they only took it out of the glas vitrine for people who looked like they could help coding
16:06 < rxr> they did not showed the slowness to everyone :-)
16:06 < tr1> ah 0ok
16:07 < andr01d> "...we have mpeg2 and mpeg4 running in real-time on the 140MHz Atmel AVR32..."
16:07 * andr01d dazed
16:07 < tr1> maybe you good the "monday" one ?
16:07 < rxr> tr1: I do not see the link on the page, can you point it out?
16:07 < tr1> rxr: Color options probably are black/silver and white/orange.
16:08 < rxr> tr1: no, the FIC people sayed: "You are embedded Linux people? Wow, we have got quite some problems, please help."
16:08 < andr01d> rxr: did you ask them whether you can get some sort of dev-kit?
16:08 < rxr> and then he took the device out of the glass, took out the battery and showed the thing from power on to X
16:10 < rxr> tr1: ah, there is the link
16:10 < rxr> tr1: are you more familiar with the openmoko site? not that they blame me for adding advertising links for my blog to their site ?
16:11 < tr1> http://chaosradio.ccc.de/cre042.html
16:12 < tr1> hm i didn't adding the link it was a guy (aloril) from the openmoko site
16:12 < rxr> ah ok
16:16 < sepp> openslowmoko :p
16:16 -!- Stelz [i=stelz@unaffiliated/stelz] has quit [Connection reset by peer]
16:17 -!- Stelz [i=stelz@unaffiliated/stelz] has joined #t2
16:18 < pdinoto> BTW, whoever choosed openmoko as name, doesn't have any latin-american friend:
16:19 < sepp> what does it mean?
16:19 < pdinoto> moko (actually, moco) is widely used to refer to the thing you get when
16:19 < pdinoto> using the index finger to poke in your nostrils... :)
16:20 < pdinoto> so, very very unfortunate name around here.
16:20 < sepp> hehe
16:20 < andr01d> heheh :)
16:21 < pdinoto> well, it is not even slang: it is a word for the "Real Academia Española"...
16:22 < pdinoto> http://buscon.rae.es/draeI/SrvltConsulta?TIPO_BUS=3&LEMA=moco
16:22 < pdinoto> he he... not one of the 6 different meanings are good :)
16:23 < pdinoto> "...thick and sticky fluid..."
16:24 < pdinoto> perhaps it it the reason the UI is so slow... :)
16:24 < pdinoto> s/it/is
16:27 < pdinoto> rxr: there is a util called recoverjpeg that scans a flash media (or a image)
16:27 < pdinoto> and extracts all jpeg files, not using any directory reference.
16:27 < rxr> pdinoto: oh tanks
16:28 < rxr> thanks
16:28 < pdinoto> saved the day a couple of times... :-)
16:28 < rxr> probably I lost the files when I hit the close button of a konqeror window with multiple tabs, one beeing the sftp upload
16:29 < rxr> that konqeuror closes wihtout asking whether to really close all 10 tabs annoyed me for quite some time already
16:29 < rxr> I guess I should vote for the confim closing multiple tabs bug as well ...
16:30 < rxr> heh
16:30 < rxr> cleaning the kde trash helped a lot
16:30 < rxr> did not even know I had over 10G in it, ...
16:31 < rxr> and I started to wonder why the big laptop disk is already narly filled
16:31 < rxr> and no, the 2 files I lost where not in the 10G trash :-(
16:34 < pdinoto> murphy is in the details...
16:35 [Users #t2]
16:35 [@ChanServ] [ CIA-9] [ mtr ] [ rxr ] [ TobiX ] [ write_erase]
16:35 [ andr01d ] [ emte ] [ pdinoto ] [ sepp ] [ tr1 ]
16:35 [ cbrake ] [ LMJ ] [ Ragnarin] [ Stelz] [ valentin]
16:35 -!- Irssi: #t2: Total of 16 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 15 normal]
16:38 -!- misl [n=chatzill@84-104-172-187.cable.quicknet.nl] has joined #t2
16:43 < tr1> ping rxr
16:45 < tr1> (16:39:02) tr1: why does it suck if t2 is close to the source ?
16:45 < tr1> (16:39:24) deryni: Those two have nothing to do with one another.
16:45 < tr1> (16:39:32) deryni: You can suck equally patching or not patching things.
16:45 < tr1> (16:39:50) deryni: The suck comes from the fact that their dependency structure looks to be jacked to all hell.
16:45 < tr1> ?
16:46 < rxr> ?
16:46 < andr01d> eh?
16:47 < tr1> from the pidgin channel
16:48 < tr1> why depends pidgin on imake ?
16:48 < tr1> (16:44:18) deryni: And any distribution distributing pidgin 2.0.1 depending on audiofile and imake has many too many flaws.
16:49 < rxr> tr1: I need to check
16:49 < rxr> if you built it on your system you can check yourself
16:49 < rxr> /var/adm/dep-debug/pidgin
16:49 < rxr> (or so)
16:49 < tr1> who ?
16:49 < rxr> there should be a line with imake: whatever files
16:49 < tr1> ok
16:49 < rxr> maybe some X tool used some imake files whatsoever
16:50 < tr1> yes /bin/imake and /bin/xmkmf
16:50 < sepp> as if pidgin is some high quality software peace :p
16:50 < CIA-9> rene * r24461 /trunk/package/graphic/recoverjpeg/ (. recoverjpeg.cache recoverjpeg.desc): * added recoverjpeg (1.1.1) - A tool which finds lost pictures in device images
16:51 < sepp> piece*
16:51 < rxr> tr1: when the T2 andbox tracking stuff says those files where run they where run
16:52 < rxr> maybe indirectly by some X tool the pidgin makefiles called
16:52 < rxr> recoverjpeg found over 700 jpeg files on the CF
16:53 < rxr> the ones I saw so far looked ok
16:53 < rxr> includes ones long deleted, of course
16:53 < rxr> nice thing
16:53 < rxr> good to have
16:53 < tr1> hm i my dep-debug/pidgin file there isn't audiofile a dependency
16:53 < tr1> how is the website generated ?
16:57 < rxr> the current website is generated from a SVN repository
16:57 < rxr> http://svn.exactcode.de/www-t2/trunk/
16:57 < rxr> the .tmpl files are processed to have some bare helpers and menu inclusion
16:57 < rxr> quite simple
17:04 -!- andr01d [n=root@] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
17:18 < tr1> is rpath a good thing ?
17:19 < tr1> does mine dependency checking ?
17:23 -!- tr1 [n=Richter@pd95b2df8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit ["Download Gaim: http://gaim.sourceforge.net/"]
17:30 -!- Stelz [i=stelz@unaffiliated/stelz] has quit ["There is intelligent life out there..."]
17:31 -!- Stelz [i=stelz@unaffiliated/stelz] has joined #t2
17:46 < rxr> re
17:52 -!- misl [n=chatzill@84-104-172-187.cable.quicknet.nl] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
17:53 -!- write_erase [n=olivier@] has quit ["Leaving"]
17:54 < Stelz> rehi rxr :)
17:56 < rxr> hi Stelz
18:37 < sepp> latest e17 works quite well, even evidence (well, beside hardcoded lib/ all over the place)
19:02 < rxr> sepp: :-)
19:29 < rxr> sepp: do you plan to commit that update ?
19:31 < sepp> yes, was just looking at evidence, that does not look like much fun, at least 50 places with hardcoded /lib/ :/
19:32 < rxr> :((((
19:32 * rxr wonders if noone at e17 is using a 64bit machine ...
19:32 < Ragnarin> one sed to ... :)
19:33 < rxr> http://rene.rebe.name/photos/?p=/Computex/2007/&index=228
19:33 < sepp> maybe i just sed all the crap to lib64
19:33 < rxr> ^- Aribus info system booting Linux 2.4 on a i486 class cpu
19:33 < rxr> including bios output
19:33 < rxr> sorry that some images are not perfectly sharp
19:34 < rxr> it was so unexpected to see this BIOS and Linux stuff scrolling by that I did not tune the camera settings in-time ...
19:34 < Ragnarin> lol
19:34 < rxr> however, I managed to crash the info system on the way to and on the way back to taiwan
19:34 < rxr> just on the way to taiwan there was no BIOS and Linux stuff scrolling by
19:34 < Ragnarin> I did that too a while ago :)
19:35 < rxr> maybe the lcd is blanked and only if some announcement is broadcasted the BIOS and Linux stuff can be made visible accidently or so
19:35 < sepp> wow, caldera drdos
19:35 < rxr> http://rene.rebe.name/photos/?p=/Computex/2007/&index=6
19:35 < rxr> ^- the boot snipplets I got on the way to taiwan
19:35 < rxr> sepp: yep :-))
19:35 < Ragnarin> yea quite possible ... I only saw a short boot msg and then went straight to X
19:37 < rxr> also linux people in .tw: http://rene.rebe.name/photos/?p=/Computex/2007/img_2378.jpg
19:37 < rxr> and for all who do not know how I look: http://rene.rebe.name/photos/?p=/Computex/2007/img_2241.jpg
19:38 < Ragnarin> lol
19:38 < rxr> Ragnarin: yes?
19:39 < Ragnarin> how was computex?
19:40 < rxr> oh, great
19:40 < rxr> have been the first time in Taiwan - so quite exiting around Computex as well
19:40 < sepp> with tie, hehe
19:40 < Ragnarin> kewl :)
19:42 < rxr> still need to convince the FIC people they need us to get a good phone: http://rene.rebe.name/photos/?p=/Computex/2007/img_2201.jpg
19:47 < CIA-9> rene * r24462 /trunk/package/audio/audacious-plugins/audacious-plugins.desc: * updated audacious-plugins (1.3.4 -> 1.3.5)
19:48 < CIA-9> rene * r24463 /trunk/package/audio/xmms-jack/xmms-jack.desc: * updated xmms-jack (0.17 -> 0.19)
19:55 < rxr> ok - cu
20:12 < Ragnarin> cya :)
20:23 -!- pdinoto_ [n=pdinoto@host86.190-30-200.telecom.net.ar] has joined #t2
21:11 -!- pdinoto_ [n=pdinoto@host86.190-30-200.telecom.net.ar] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
21:21 -!- sepp_ [n=sepp@Z496b.z.pppool.de] has joined #t2
21:41 -!- misl [n=chatzill@84-104-172-187.cable.quicknet.nl] has joined #t2
21:41 -!- sepp [n=sepp@Z4f2a.z.pppool.de] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
21:42 < misl> hi folks
21:50 -!- tri [n=tri@p57ADCC4E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #t2
21:51 < tri> re
21:54 < sepp_> hi misl, tri :)
22:06 < sepp_> ohh well, i managed to lose my svn account password
22:07 < sepp_> i outsmarted myself
22:07 < sepp_> lol
22:27 < Ragnarin> hmmm
22:28 < Ragnarin> is there a way to tell the boot initrd to load some driver later then another, or last?
22:28 < sepp_> like generic ide?
22:28 < Ragnarin> for example
22:29 < Ragnarin> in this case, I want a raid driver to be loaded after the normal sata driver so the drives don't move all the time
22:30 < sepp_> not sure :/
22:31 -!- misl [n=chatzill@84-104-172-187.cable.quicknet.nl] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
22:32 < Ragnarin> >.<
22:33 -!- misl [n=chatzill@84-104-172-187.cable.quicknet.nl] has joined #t2
22:40 < tri> silc client could be updated to 1.1
22:40 < tri> then it compiles fine (for me)
22:41 < sepp_> that needs a patch on x86-64, tried it today ;-)
22:41 < tri> ah ok i'm on x86
22:42 < sepp_> but i have not really looked at it ...
22:44 < sepp_> vanilla silc-client has some yasm misuse on x86-64
22:44 < tri> does mine make dependency checks ?
22:44 < sepp_> no
22:45 < sepp_> mine is just a bad gem/tar.* wrapper
23:32 -!- misl [n=chatzill@84-104-172-187.cable.quicknet.nl] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
--- Log closed Thu Jun 14 00:00:15 2007